About the Fund
The award-winning film, The Last Keeper, has reached global audiences and garnered numerous awards for its success and its ability to engage viewers on an emotional level in the illuminating story of Scotland's gamekeepers.
Now, the Shepherds of Wildlife Society introduces a new effort to help expand the impact of the film through the "The Last Keeper Changing Minds Through Film" Campaign. In 2025, the award-winning film will go live on a free link to audiences in the United Kingdom. A targeted social media campaign hitting the key issues of land ownership and management in the Scottish highlands will be promoted to over ten million people living near and in urban settings all over the U.K. The film will be made available through the generosity of interested parties from all over the U.K.
Contribute to the Fund
50% of all contributions will go towards the cost of implementing promotion and marketing campaigns in the U.K. promoting the "free" showing of the film.
About the Film

In Scotland, where picturesque landscapes mask a different reality, the historic port of Greenock on the River Clyde stands as a relic of industrial prowess. The central belt of Scotland, now home to 70% of Scots, evolved from a hub of factories and mills to a political powerhouse, overshadowing the traditional Highland way of life.
Today, a fierce battle over land use rages, juxtaposing preservationists, politicians, and activists against rural communities and landowners. Central to this conflict are the sporting estates, vital for the rural economy through recreational hunting, now caught in the crossfire of policy decisions. This battle, reminiscent of class warfare and the struggle for control over land and legacy, highlights the contrasts within Scotland's borders, reflecting deep-seated class divisions and a fight for control, ultimately underscores the complex, contrasting realities of Scotland. The future of biodiversity, habitat conservation, and age-old traditions hinges on this pivotal clash, echoing a powerful call for decisive action across the glens.