Scientists, naturalists, wildlife biologists, government officials, wildlife photographers and outdoor filmmakers all tell the story of wildlife conservation. They emphasize our responsibility to be good stewards of wildlife and their habitat so wildlife will not be lost to us, our children, or our children's children.
Wild animals of all kinds and their habitat are facing unprecedented threats due to humanity’s massive population explosion and urbanization. The planet’s human population is now 7.4 billion people. In the United States, 81.5% of all children live in cities. Experts predict numbers like these may double in the next 50 years.
The Shepherds of Wildlife Society™ has been created specifically to educate modern society about and reconnect it with nature. Our goal is to produce world-class educational materials utilizing dynamic video and still photography, plus mainstream documentary films showcasing the real world of wildlife around us.
Scientists, naturalists, wildlife biologists, wildlife photographers and artists all tell the story of wildlife on a species-by-species basis and emphasize our responsibility to be good stewards of wildlife and their habitat so wildlife will not be lost to us, our children, or our children's children.
Unless the value of wildlife and habitat within our culture is increased now and in the future, wild animals face a future where they will only exist in parks and zoos. What few animals survive will be forever habitualized by humans and no longer exist in the wild.
So how can we stop one of the greatest travesties in human history? Education. As creators of powerful public-influencing visual media, we're in a unique position to produce the kind of educational materials that will have INFLUENCE AND IMPACT.
We would like to personally thank you for your interest in and support of our efforts to educate children and the many others in the broader public who no longer interface with wild places or Mother Nature about the importance of wildlife and conservation.
There's no time to waste. Please join us in motivating and educating people to become good stewards of the environment where man and wildlife can all survive and thrive.
T.A. Opre, Founder & CEO


Our advanced civilization has lost its connection with nature. Nature has become abstract, it has become distant, something ‘out there,’ no longer a part of us. The more "advanced" we become the more abstract nature seems to be. This increasing disconnect with nature has led to the destruction of wild places and the creatures who live in them. This disconnect adversely impacts wildlife, the habitat in which it lives, and indigenous people worldwide.
The Shepherds of Wildlife Society™ was formed to reconnect our society with nature, to make the abstract real, and to preserve and protect wildlife and its habitat for generations to come through the development of educational and motivational materials that support habitat sustainability and management of wildlife through established wise-use principles of active conservation, sustainable utilization and hunting.
We see a world connected with wildlife, a world that values wildlife, and a world where civilization and wildlife are in balance. The Shepherds of Wildlife Society, Inc. is intended to be the spark, the catalyst in re-establishing that connection by:
Education: By making real the value of wildlife and its habitat to all, young and old alike, Nature becomes less abstract, more tangible. By reconnecting all to Nature through educational programs, films, and photography, we seek to inspire this and future generations to continue our quest in the preservation and protection of wildlife and its habitat.
Motivation: Through the educational and motivational materials prepared and presented by Shepherds of Wildlife Society™, we envision policy makers, business leaders, educators, influencers, and others will want to share the message that wildlife has value, that civilization must reconnect with nature, and that balance can be re-established. We envision the creation of policies and practices that encourage modern-day active conservation that will lead to the preservation and protection of wildlife and its habitat.