I was recently a guest on the Tommy's Outdoors podcast. We covered a ton of important topics related to wildlife conservation. Those topics included the responsibility of humans to keep our planet healthy along with the rights of indigenous rural communities to participate in that process.
As Tommy pointed out in his podcast post, wildlife conservation fails when the needs of local, indigenous people are not concurrently attended to. Such failures often happen when Western environmental NGO's seek to implement poorly-planned and designed conservation programs in Africa.
Sustainable use is an excellent alternative wildlife conservation approach that can benefit indigenous communities and maintains stability and health among local wildlife populations.
I got to talk about my recently-released film, Killing the Shepherd, the remarkable story of how one indigenous community in Zambia worked with a local safari company to implement unique wildlife conservation measures. They were able to dig themselves out of poverty while reestablishing wildlife populations that had all but disappeared from the region.
Killing the Shepherd is the story of how one positive event can trigger others that restore balance on our planet.
You don't want to miss this podcast! I share all kinds of back stories from the film. Thanks to Tommy for recognizing my critically-acclaimed, full-length documentary as "worth every minute and worth every penny!"
